Want to buy sponsor? :3
Ok thanks, I added more :p
Hello everyone My Friend, ElementOG Would Love Sponsor but he has no money, so why not, anyone who plays opfactions/kitpvp will like this offer...
:D herro
This is a fair deal, contact me on the 26th (in 1 week) and we will do the deal.
1. Lachlan :) 2. Steak :3 3. Has to be Minecraft 4. The Simpsons! 5. Too many to tag 6. Soccer (position - goalkeeper) 7. Op Factions 8. Sport...
Hello there everyone, today i would like to make this thread as i need this fixed as soon as possible, i have recently changed my name (about 1...
Please help. I changed my name and noobcrew helped with most things, but on opfactions I lost my enderchest, my mcmmo stats, also if you could,...
318 471 865
Please help /:
Hey, I changed my mc name to ConfidentialAim. So could you change my name on forums to it please?
can you please look at my convo i added you in? thanks
am i getting unbanned soon? ): its the 14th for me.
Going 2 go do homework ); then bed :D
Lol xD
Hey tonight! :)
I love bacon! U Srs m8 ;-; cuse I have like 10pick up lines, I guess u got a list U wrote in case someone challenges you to duel. xD