This has gone on for like a month and you still havent done anything? You're loosing players due to the awful hit detection on OpPvp. Fix it or...
You need to sort out this hit detection buddy..
Lmao k, Says the kid who sweats on badlion @ 11pm
2 things; Fix pearls! 75% of the time you pearl you get stuck in a block. 2. Fix the hit detection. I don't even get a quarter of my hits due to...
Title explains it.
It spells a sentence if you re-arrange the words.
heg iol rt
Basically, you hate everyone & everything & no one really cares about what you think bc you're the minority of the kids on here who hate change &...
No, I like it here. If dickheads like you weren't here it'd be even better
Either way, remove it from kitpvp. For the kids that are bad it makes it even, Server = pay to win
Tbh, I can't help that people are bad & can't pvp. But it's stupid. A donation is a donation. You just happen to receive things for it. You can be...
That's fair enough, So why don't they add it?
I'm sorry but this is stupidly OP, I understand they donated. But /heal? I was pvping a guy in diamond i was at 5 hearts, he had one heart, It...
"safer" kk, Either way staff need to do their job. And need to be able to do it. Also this proves how much the players want it, the staff want /...
Who doesn't give staff /v with a hacker rate of mineverse? Literally they need /v because of course they're gonna toggle off when they see someone...
These kids saying "Ahh /staff is there! fgt!" Yeah, K. What about rn? when kids are bhopping in kitpvp 0 staff are online, or when staff are but...
Complicated? Mods spammed? I swear to god you're a couple braincells missing. 1. It has a cooldown. 2. They won't really get spammed, even so,...
1. i get fps while recording, I'm not coming on the forums just to open a convo with a staff member to not read it then log off the forums....
/helpop can easily be disabled when a player is muted. /report can bring up a GUI. Yeah & 70% of the staff arent online or staff are on oppvp,...