Your in-game name: Takean What timezone are you in? Eastern What country do you live in? Canada What languages do you speak? English Do you have...
MODERATOR APPILICATION Your in-game name: My in-game name is Joshuacagg123. What timezone are you in? I am in the western timezone. What country...
so my ban time is up my ign is joshuacagg123 and its still not letting em reconnect??
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Claymancolony The offender's exact ingame name:...
@Ordi its joshuacagg123
So im temp banned from lobby/skywars for 1 more week if i buy an urban will it let me join again right away if I'm temp banned?
MODERATOR APPILICATION by, joshuacagg123 Your in-game name: Joshuacagg123 What timezone are you in? Eastern timezone What country do you live...
MODERATOR APPILICATION Your in-game name: My in game name is Joshuacagg123 What timezone are you in? Im in eastern timezone What country do...
Support. good luck
its_shireen why?
No support Add more detail
INTRODUCTION: Hello there, My name is Josh but prefer calling me Joshua if you want!!!! I am 14 years old and very responsible in for what I am...
1.ign, Joshuacagg123 2. I am 13 3. I have a rank which is titan! 4. I do have skype It is joshuacagg123
in kitpvp my pv was all empty i will report this on the internet or else you fix it or i tell everyone to leave the server
why dont they support me
i mean what does it mean
and what does no support mean
i answerd all questions
can someone put me as a mod pls