So is server offiicially offline now ( mojang cut us off) or is down for adjustments?
#Survival4Reset lets start new year with fresh start! (since so many survival players have basically been reset anyway at this point). Would be...
When possible could you check out survival Cyp please? After that crash earlier which you popped in after many have lost there /bal. I had 13mil...
Alexpaige came in at the end of this players rantings ( crazed frog ) these screenshots depict what they were saying before she entered server....
Player JP349 currently on 30 day ban using al h4clovecorey to evade ban. Player using h4 account also to spam server. At time of this report...
Player JP943 aka prototype_08 is currently banned. Player is using alternate account to evade ban. Player also continues with disrespectful...
Player who has been throu 3 name changes over the course of this systematic campaign of disrespect to a single specific player (MsHaley) , as well...
Player computerplayer12 regularly engages in disrespectful conduct towards the server community. Namely spam. Several screenshots included depict...
Um..i have been temp banned for spam...i wasnt msging in either chat or /msg at the time i was enchanting and got kicked and banned for it? help...
{Player FreeBreezyHoe depicted in screenshots using highly offensive language towards another player in chat. As well as spam advertising fly...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Player Blayzze. Regularly engages in these behaviours. Screenshot depict...
Another advertiser[ATTACH]
Player MR_B3N_123 screenshot using fly glitch..earlier screenshot included too of his admission of such in chat. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
player megabolt caught engaging in glitch abuse (fly) to be clear player swag101 in shot is not..Is using a leap potion to jump. Not glitch...
same site as previously has been advertising last few days[ATTACH]
Player Isabella121 yesterday warned in chat by mod noobcupcake about requesting glitch command in chat and warned glitch is bannable. Today player...
Sadly another one caught glitch abuse to fly ..player proffen 2005[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
player screenshot glitch abusing to effect /fly[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
When survival becomes creative some problems can arise. Strong and thriving survival servers are a delicately balanced thing at times. As with any...
^t Totally agree it is a more efficiency use of mods...but mods are players too (some..and they should be). Im asking/ suggesting making them...