no support, everyone would have to redo everything, to their bases, farms, items. and hard work. They are op because they are active, and should...
I see you sometimes on op factions, you went from elite, to supreme, then to god, in like a week :p
I like cheese
hai. do you like pie?
[ATTACH]this is mine... 4 dpi settings :D
Neutral rating, in use it when i dont know how to reply to something...
banned for banning someone
not me... just a suggestion
more kitpvp, ESP. skyblock, and factions
What were your top 3 Christmas presents? Mine were: 1. A Solid State Drive 2. iPod Shuffle :D 3. Super Smash Bros for 3ds
already got elite, ive been ruled out
age of empires is good, love the conquerors expansion though..., how bout warthunder??? uses world war I-II aviation and tanks, in an epic battle...
well someone do a riddle.
@Daddy YOU ARE CORRECT!!! please create the next riddle
IGN: chupacabra200, hope ya don't leave
few more days till school is out for break!... though im worried about my teacher not putting in my science test grade... me= B+. should b A