@canucksfan44 hehe, I saw him away from the mineverse server, still asked me how to improve, even on a different one
support! I remember you... about what? before mineverses first birthday? you were great!
sup guys
gg support... this guy I was going to end up killing, hid behind his two large slime pets and ended up going to spawn. This is a dumb and cowardly...
True... but another server I know that uses this system has it that you cannot click and drag; when you click on an item, it is automatically...
Hello, chupacabra200 here(EndlessDayz). I have some new commands I would like to suggest for gamemodes that use money over a period of...
My first post in a while... anyways, I tried downloading one of the latest versions of optifine (version 1.8.7 HD U D5) and it said my cookies...
hey guys
So many new things added to Mineverse.
make it way smaller, smaller map too, maybe 3000 blocks? maybe 25-30 people per team, and put a time limit..., people will actuall use sky vaults...
probably going to play more because of this minigame :P, haven't been on mineverse for a month
In game name: EndlessDayz Why you want the items/money: I got ripped off everything when I changed my name How you think having these items will...
LOL stands for league of legends, who plays league of legends?
>>EXPLORE IT<< unlock new access to the mind... What would you do if you found out the Greek gods were real???
dude it was a joke...
attitude problems... wow, insulting people with ocd, your a jerk NO ONE BUY HIM ANYTHING