yes it goes up every hour
no support sorry bud
ok so when i make a appeal who do i make it for
i cant
he wasent even on at the time i got banned
and first off all who was i disrespecting
whos max
ign:tehbeatles her ign:PandaBear__ rule they broke/how they broke it:disrespect banning me after the owner i think or the cow owner unbanne dme...
my ign:tehbeatles his ign:twin_nic rule they broke and how they broke it:disrespect calling me names evidense/screen shot
support all the way
hw continues to cuse after i tell him not to and told him i reported him[ATTACH]
and dylonster[ATTACH]
my ign:tehbeatles his ign:diamondkiller69 rule they broke/how they broke it:disrespect cusing in chat and saying fck you to me bec i killed him...
i never said i was buying you premium you was asking me to and said buy me premium i dare you to b!tch so dont lie on the forums