sorry clicked full imgae to many times on one screen shot @Taylor
ign:tehbeatles his ign:in title rule/how direspect youll see in screen shots evidence [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
ign:tehbeatles his ign:in title rule/how:disrespect see in screen shots evidence [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
btw he was talking to me while saying these mean tthings :(
ign:tehbeatles his ign:in title rule/how:disrespect see in screen shots evidence [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
ign:tehbeatles his ign:kaden4y rule/how:dis respect you will see in screen shot evidence [ATTACH]
@ScoFu13 @PandaBear__
ign:tehbeatles his ign:is in title rule they broke/how the broke it:disrespect you will see how they broke it evidence/scren shot [ATTACH][ATTACH]...
ign:tehbeatles his ign:kaden4y rue they broke/how they broke it:disrespect calling me a pu ssy evidence [ATTACH]
ign:tehbeatles his ign:TASBOY rule they broke/how they broke it:scaming saying if i subscribe to him on youtube he would rank me up...
ign:tehbeatles his ign:jgmann951 rule they broke/how:disrespect calling me gay evidence screens hot [ATTACH]
ign:tehbeatles players ign:pikachu77777 rule they broke/how they brok it spaming spaming the chat evidence/[ATTACH] screen shot