No support add more detail and color and read the actually mod platform and follow it it's at the top of the page good luck
Make it more detailed and add color for now no support
ign:tehbeatles his ign:in evidence rule/how:in evidence evidence i take this offensive because im gay i request a temp ban 2-3 days this really...
And how is he doing that?
I mean firo is still a mod
No support because this is to op even for op pvp ha clerk would get on and use this to there advantages to destroy other people again no support
And support
Fire is still a mod
Kitkat got demoted :((
Nope no joke I want elite
lol Yin
Of people I'm god rank but I want Elite is it that hard to understand
Ign:tehbeatles I'm bod rank but I would love elite
My ign is tehbeatles I'm god rank some one downgrade me to elite please
the owner would have to give the prefix and accept your thread honey so no not many people could abuse this