@Ducky Why abuse ratings?!
Agreed. This is for the mods.
Have you guys ever heard of private chat? This is just sad that you're all defending yourself like this.
That's not why I posted his video.
TBH. This isn't fair that other players have to listen to you guys just spam the chat with that kind of language.
I know you're all trying to defend yourselves.. But I asked you guys to say sorry. And you replied with "STFU".
This is for the moderators. Not you!
Like I said. Maybe try reading US laws and regulations?
You obv are not educated enough.
@Taylor @ScoFu13 @canucksfan44 @HeyitsAlexa @larrythebird101 @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @HyperPigman @Badlerner @3yerrt @PrincessPayne @Agent Android
@Zero_Inzanity Dillion232 Brianlopez @Skillbill63
@igothackedshonal, You're not really being anonymous with that much people knowing you.
Ur username is funny af xD
What's the contest?
Well... I have an Alienware Aurora R4 http://www.dell.com/us/dfh/p/alienware-aurora-r4/pd [ATTACH]
Thanks for the follow <3