@Taylor @ScoFu13 @canucksfan44 @HeyitsAlexa @larrythebird101 @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @HyperPigman @Badlerner @3yerrt @PrincessPayne @Agent Android
We need a creative local and global chat! It's annoying when players are constantly roleplaying in normal chat and it spams it. I believe they...
Well, I live in US mid western Canada
Nvm :( minechat won't work. I'll be on later tonight doe.
I'm in bed on my phone. I'll log into minechat.
Great!! I will invite you. Be on factions tomorrow afternoon
MINEVERSE REPORT COMPILATION IGN: LeBrand Offender: MC_surviver Wrong Doing: Profanity Gamemode: Factions [ATTACH] [ATTACH] IGN: LeBrand...
Mk then. This mod is stupider than Paticks rock. But is it sexy ;) Zambiana, PM me sometime :)
He's black. I'm with you mah
Ducky, why you gotta be so rude to me?
ooooooooo rekt .
Wtf? A whole bunch of reports were here :(
Yea... xD
Baby_12_34 was on skywars The rest is factions.
@Ducky this thread does not involve you.