The whole server is messed up can you give us a update
it happens It happenes
New trend #FixMineversePrison
i lost money but it was only $2
The prison pvp isnt working
prison pvp is turned off
You cant combine swords on prison with 1.8 but with 1.7 you can and i get kicked if i try to connect with 1.7 :(
Im so mad i cant combine any of my swords :(
im now a active member
How aren't you a mod support
A video but it wont upload to youtube i dont know why
Your ingame name:Rootbeerplays The offender's ingame name:Christopher_Ryan A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Aimbot...
I am now a member :D
@Chloyybear4ever can you check this out i cant mine in d mine
i dont think someone can get banned for that
I dont like this disarm thing i find it dumb. People abuse it to much and troll you after it. I think they should remove disarm and nothing gets...
I might donate today im debating weather to do it or not
Im going to be unbanned to day