Support but I tried to do the same as you. Removing disarm means restarting prison. So I don't think it will happen anytime soon.
I made a suggestion thread and will appreciate if you check it out.
If any spelling Mistakes or anything I should Edit please tell me. Thank you.
Hi Im Rootbeerplays. I have been playing Prison for a year now and noticed that D Prison has PvP. I think it's unfair for them. How can you enjoy...
Support <3
Im Rootbeerplays Im reporting K1ngzomb13k1ll3r He said he was going to hack another player
Wow this is interesting
Should I apply to become a Prison Guard?
Its unfair that he can do this.
@Mega @tin15cro
How can he read /msg?
Now i have to say sorry to people for my brothers action and stuff.
@zeldaninjamonkey Well my brother quit and he used my stupid account -_-
This is awkward
Uh WTF did my brother do!!
Im DrPeperBoy Im reporting RageTNT He has KillAura [media]
Thank you I do not want any trouble to come to him at all plz.