I have a hacker video coming up
Lets hope a mod see's my report
Im NoOneLives4k Im reporting PoolsideCookie He said mean things to someone and asked to fight them IRL and asked were they lived.[ATTACH]
So. I was on prison and the cell i spent 500k on just randomly unrented. The rent ended on july something and it unrented today :/
I'm Rootbeerplays Reporting _Hoes They have 1128 disarm and is C rank.
IGN:Rootbeerplays Rank:Free What is your best mcmmo? Repair 526, Unarm 500 Do we know you? Im friends with @PopIs_MyLife, @Jguns99 ,...
Expecting a msg anytime now
When you getting unbanned
Hey buddy
Can you break some signs on prison?
Im Rootbeerplays UncleUrnesto He ddosed jar__
I said what I said can you please not start drama. Thank you.
No. My friend pranked me and changed my name and i didnt loose anything. But if your on prison or fac you will loose Mc skills like disarming,...
First off. Stop being rude to me. Secondly Its my job to judge you if you should become a mod. If you have a problem with how I judged you then...
My bad. Fixed
Add more detail and I seen you around and I don't like the way you act around other players.
No support. Sorry
This is not appropriate. @Lola Perez
I know 20 hackers. I cant do anything about it. That's why I'm not donating anything but if the mods knew what i knew alot of people would be...
I like your picture of pewdiepie. It's good to see another bro on this server.