Isn't that what us Factions players deal with.. most get angry, but its more enjoyable when the server is fresh. Usually every player that joins...
Old Factions, not the current one.
Remove the Unarmed and Axes in general ( ALL SERVERS PLEASE )
I'm the only person who has unarmed 1000, who never uses the ability to disarm others. I have my unarmed to avoid being disarmed, anyone who plays...
Knockback sticks don't make the game Over-Powered, it makes it lame. All people do is knock players 10 + blocks away for their own fun.
That's why all players have kit op for a reason
If you actually played OpPvp, you would know that players don't use on kb sticks to defend, they use it for their personal use. for example by...
stop being such a attention wh0re. bring in the h4te
and what reason may that be? You have never explained.. also the fact that you post your thoughts when you don't even play OpPvP. *Cringes*
There are things called enderpearls for a reason, do you even OpPvP bro? Also how do donator perks help us or defaults if no one has them, there...
People usually vote for the Sharp x sword, not the knockback items.. Also please tell me, do you even play OpPvP on a daily basis?
I doubt anyone donates for the knockback sticks LOL
So you basically use it to never get killed? ahaha funny
Make sure to click that "+1 Support" on the polls
shut up yo
REMOVE THE KB ENCHANTED ITEMS AND THE KB SIGN AT SHOP The knockback sticks are one of the most aggravating crap people have to deal with on...
creeper eggs are disabled on opfactions ;c
Just so you know, just because players make moderator applications, its not a matter of fact of just promoting, because many players that apply...