im talking about kit pvp2 the old 1 but so i cant get the sharp 5 dream axe or no? like you dont know how much i want this and how much time i've...
do you think you could go on creative or something to combine it or is it not allowed on kit2 because i've spent so much money and time and gave...
So i have a Sharp 4 diamond axe with eiff 5 unb3 fortune 2 and i try to add this sharp 4 book to max it out but it says "too expensive" is there a...
well first of all most hackers would be banned and some ppl do record so if some ppl record they can ban the ppl that you vape and spooker and no...
its really not most hackers are not banned most mods are not even on and no hate to mods but there never on when hackers are then when the mods...
So alot of hackers are on kit 2 kit1 etc.. but why is there not a anti cheat why? with all the money that you guys make cant you afford a anti...
he has broken the rule ddos threats as you can see by this screen shot Dispersed Enderkiller77 ddos threats [ATTACH]