Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: skrimish The offender's exact ingame name: oscfal and...
No support bad past ip log hacked on alts and i dont want you banning us
no support i dont want u becoming a snitch
No Support
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: skrimish Pujah ddos theats Evidence/full screenshots:
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: skrimish xxMursuGeimingxx death threats Evidence/full screenshots:
Skrimish AVSgaming21 they were hacking in this video Evidence/full screenshots: oops 1 sec ill upload the vid HOW TF DO I UPLAOD VIDS can i add...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: skrimish lilkrittah death wishes
im ign is skrimish xSnorlaxx and he said he has a main acc so ip check him they scammed me proof is in the screen shots
def support nice player maybe little toxic if ppl are being dumb he knows the rules and he is active and he knows if ppl are hacking or are using...
my ign is skrimish im looking to give a diamond axe s4 unb3 eiff5 fortune 2 and 10.7k and 19 p4 u3 ds3 38 crapples and 20 s5's plain. 7 blocks of...
so my ign is skrimish Guy that did it is alt is Lmao_420...
my ign is skrimish.Person that scammed me is HiKids here is the proof
well ok my friend sent me it on skype but hes going to make a full forum post i think about it
the person who said the ddos theats is wildebobs they broke the rule using ddos threats gyazo link is here...
how many days does it take to get a rank on mineverse?
so seeing in the tittle you know what it is so i went on a creative would (single player) did everything to get the same axe name it twice and add...
so i know the reason which im sad about its because i named the axe twice if i didnt i would have enough i never knew about it till i did some...