:) Thanks SO much for all of the support everyone... It means so much to me :D I can't even. Thank you :)
:O The devil! Nice
Thanks guys :) I'm glowing :) ;P thanks, but is there anything I can do to change your mind? And LOL
Suppoooooooort, but in my opinion you should add a bit more info :P
No problem :D thanks for your follow to me!
NpNp ;)
:O Omfg that's insaaaaane!!! Gratz!!!
Banned for banning a defenseless cat 3:
Banned for only having the word star in your profile pic ;)
Thanks for all of the support!! It means a lot to me :)
You're possessed!!!!!!
:O No problem!! Snowy's right! and LOL also
Banned for banning Mr_Smiley_ for banning ImJustAndrew for defending me ;)
:O Did you draw your profile pic? It's cool xD
Banned for being a bird and being seen by me In-game!!! I'm crazyrobotgirl xD
No problem! and :D
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like for me
Nice :D People will love the capes, and I bet the new Bedwars maps are awesooooome!!!
A few minutes before I made this thread, there were some swearers online. Here are some examples of what they were saying: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...