Math. Favourite non-practical subject :) Just so detailed, and please try and name me one job you don't need math in? English. You'll see why....
Lol. I don't know what to say anymore. If they couldn't do it before why would they do it now?
They have all been fixed. So.
I saw you acting differently and you did when you said you wanted to change, clearly you have to a full extent now. Welcome back, and I forgive...
the restrung version tho <3 alan is such a good pianist
? :s
Support, if this works
This has been around for ages. Thorraks posted a video and thread on it a couple of months out, surprised it's not fixed? Support also
Woah! Just got fastest i've ever got on a typing test.
My highest is 116 but I'm use to 10fastfingers, not this test. xD I will do one on 10fastfingers soon and show you :P
You were the shadow to my light Did you feel us <3 ahaha yes :D @Elrak @3yerrt
But, I tried this one and
I use 10fast fingers
soz screwed it up there xD
When our mama sang us to sleep but now we're stressed outtt