winner gets bragging rights 1. What's was my favourite Pokemon game? 2. What is my starter on Pokemon Sun? 3. What is my favourite Pokemon? 4. Am...
If you currently ask me, i think they should add a modded server so mineverse would gain some popularity, using mods like Pixelmon, for donors...
[ATTACH] scor is a hamster
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: OmgItsJazz The offender's exact ingame name:...
1.Where is your homeland? 2.What colours do you like? 3.If you had a 5 million what would you do? 4.Who think you will be in time to come? 5.What...
[ATTACH] @Auzzi be afking in kitpvp
Your ingame name: OmgItsJazz The offender's exact ingame name: Smileface19 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Cursing and...
err clickbait for the win!!!
I will give all my opinions to whoever messages on this post :)
Well here we go again... Your in-game name: OmgItsJazz...
Your ingame name:OmgItsJazz The offender's exact ingame name:CRAZYMAX848 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertsing...
Your ingame name: OmgItzJazz The offender's exact ingame name:fudge_lovers A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: trying to have...
The only way mine verse would actually "die" is if well, minecraft got deleted/hacked, OR people stop buying ranks, so it is far from being dead.
Now before i get called a attention seeker or something like that hear me out. I am only...
Copy AND Paste this!...
Hey everyone, I wasn't online to play or go on mineverse, but now I have the whole day to play it! And I have officially returned!
Heres what I have now A job A Nephew So I been thinking, I might step down from mineverse and minecraft forever. Post what you think. Your...