^ Doubt it. #Censor4Mod2k16
Thank you~ I like your name too, has a nice ring on it c:
Which name exactly? CxsmicStars or xStarx? xD
hi mum
finefine Thanks and Hello!
Dang. I knew MineVerse had a HellBlock, didn't realize they had a SkyBlock too. >w<
Does that mean when I come online people are gonna throw rotten tomatoes and veges at me? Aw. But at least I get free veges c; Hello c: Maybe we...
Glad to see I'm... uh, kinda getting along with you guys... :P SkyBlockers seem to diss MineVerse-ers and vice versa >w<
Thank You!
Kylie Boo Boooo xD
netflix & chill
Hai. Ew Pizza :t ParanormalSalad
Hello c: Nice to meet you.
Hello c: y r u not at school u r rebel u get detention bad doggeh. RELATABLLLEEEE. Them text posts tho :t I'm like hey what's up, hello.
Hello, I'm CxsmicStars, or known as xStarx (Ign), Star or Sophia. I was told about MineVerse through some friends on SkyBlock and decided to check...
Thank You c: I currently can't verify my account, the email hasn't sent nor does the in-app authentication work. Is there any other way to verify...
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