Trading the following on OPPvP for either p4 u3 with depth 3 boots and sharp five sword on KitPvP, or $500 on kit pvp: Two sets of: Protection V...
I know a lot of people who will agree with me on this, because it can get rly annoying whenu kill someone and all your loot despawns. It would be...
I am selling 25 voter keys: 150 on kit Helmet: Potection X; Unbreaking X; Resiration III; Aqua Infinity I 250 on kit Chestplate: Protection X;...
iKoN_PvP: iKoN_PvP is a KitPvP clan made only for the best of the best. In order to join, three things must happen: As a general rule, be in P4,...
I Personally have thought this for a long time, and now other people are starting to agree with me. I think that kitpvp should...
First of all, I think that enderpearks should be for sale at the store. I also think that speed, and strength potions should be available,...
ign: JellyWiz OR zhorde (aka flamethrower8888) I need kitpvp money, trading for money and kits on ALL OTHER MINEVERSE SERVERS If u r interested,...
#1 So I tried to invite xXxCollinPvpxXx to my is he could not edit any terrain or open chests. Edit: just a note, I did make SURE that he...
I have voted 7 times, yet I am not on the top voters list with the other ppl on the top 7, this is probably an error but pls fix bc I would like...
I think that since GODS should get /god I mean it only makes sense since they are gods... Also. Think both god and titans should get / fix maybe...
So on Thursday i went to the state fair (in New York) and i went to go buy a hotdog. The people in front of me asked me what i was ordering. I...
My ing is flamethrower8888. I have a video of me getting scammed by upintheCONAIRE. It is at the end though so skip to the end or watch the whole...
I think thst it would be a good idea for their to be a Minverse app. Not to much to say for this, its kinda self explainitory. An app would be...
For those of you who have read or seen the movie Divergent, this will make much more sense to you. Divergent is basically about different factions...
I think /inverse would help. Mostly because you cant report someone just from pictures of you paying them and then of your empty inventory because...
How old are you? 13 and very mature Your in-game name: flamethrower8888 What timezone are you in? Eastern Time Zone What country do you live...
i got scammed on kit pvp by justinn900 for $50... HE said he would give me p4 for $50 but didnt... I have pictures to prove it! Just read the...