Im gonna have to say Neutral. I havent seen you in game, mostly cause I havent been able to connect recently. I dont want to no support you...
i may have crappy wifi but i dont have crappy motivation so lets go L
theres no war when there is no fight. i am superior u shall lose
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Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
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wow i just saw this welcome back. also, rating this post neutral. 0 extreme essays, no unreasonable sentences, or talking about the same thing 20...
dont sleep on 'maybe'
im moderating a moderated server like a moderator cause im trying to be a decent moderating moderator.
Hey, theres no screenshot :) Do you have a gyazo link perhaps? Thanks.
The image is not showing up, do you have a gyazo link?
Thank you for your report. This player has been muted. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.