Support. Reasons stated above. :)
Your ingame name: Wxlfie The offender's exact ingame name: CreepereZ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They built a lag...
Hii <3
Support. You are a really kind player, and your timezone is needed. Good luck! :)
Support!! c;
Having a rank does not increase your chances, nor it makes you look more dedicated. I saw a non-donor that has been here for 3 years on...
Support. It needs an update.
Sorry, but no support. Your application isn't very detailed, and a detailed application is needed. It's also full of grammatical errors, which I...
IGN= Wxlfie What do you want changed? I would like to see how much you can make it better, but keep the ears and hair.
SwagMasterLogen is not following you -ahm
Support. c;
Discord ^-^
Even though I am a newer player, I'll go with a support. :) Your application is very well written and judging by other people's comments, you are...
Hello there!
As much as you are my friend, I will have to go with neutral :). You are a really kind, loving, mature and helpful person, as seen on Skyblock,...