Hey bb when .org resets lets coop :3 We gonna make big pumpkin farm
[media] Keep listening to that song
Hell no XD I think the new meta champ is urgot rn :3
[ATTACH] @Javiasor = [ATTACH] Mind blown
In regular faction, my afk blaze grinder was acting very weird. I spent about 30 mins afking and I got no blaze rods. So, I changed it to a semi...
[ATTACH] Rip @larrythebird101 [ATTACH] [ATTACH] @Musezeta XD
Lol they are probably offering 50 trill alone I'm including everything in most of the servers
O ye forgot about this Yes :3
Support But how much do you think the spawners might cost if this is added?
:3 you are awesome :3 Thxs for the tip
We need apples so we can make gapples :3
Make a nether wart farm. Sell nether wart to shop Invest in a bigger farm Sell nether wart to shop Repeat Step 3 and Step 4
I think you should get a life? You just said "I play 24/7" and now you're telling people to get a life? Are you a retard? Are you a scammer? Are...
Maybe exp bottles?
Welcome to the Mineverse Forums I seen you many times in .net
I like pots... I just hate how there still damage, poison, and weakness potions... Just remove those and I will be happy :D
Hello :D Welcome to the forums XD
Gonna re-support :3
I don't see where you said that... All I see is "Rack up warning points for posting in ban appeals" and "when you are banned, you are also banned...