how much do u want then?
I have a friend who will offer money but he wants to know how much u want tho?
Ive changed it now
It probably better if we could see there skin instead of steves
I meant as you are giving out too much. I am offering the region of 150k thats how much its worth
260k is not worth it
On opfactions
Alright let me know as soon as.
alts? I just want some1 to upgrade me to titan (I'm mvp now) in return I give them 150k
Im offering 150k on opfactions for someone to buy me titan if so msg me
make beacons available to buy in shops (opfactions)
Indeed, I will offer 150k on opfactions, if someone is willing to buy god rank (I'm MVP now) msg me in game or private msg or...
I agree too
Batman in black and the symbol of the bat
Thanks, leave a sign saying to invite me and @markocatwither in ur f home to invite me incase were not online at the same time as you
Its not op griefing mode its a way of showing you don't know how to tnt properly, you wouldn't need wither if you know how to tnt good. I say...
Im tlking about mcmmo alchemy
If you do it now, it'll be less painful as mcmmo is not as high as it will in the future, I say do it as soon as and add beacons in op factions...
Your In-Game Name: LardSpandexMan When are you online? whenever you need me if you need add me on Skype:lard.spandexman (my timing varies) I am on...
I think they have to disable that because that can be abusive and it can be a way of spamming too (I know many titians are gonna be annoyed by...