IGN : LardSpandexMan Rank Lost : Elite Edvidence :
the mods will put u onto the list then once noobcrew will sort it out.
mines is anagram of the people who tried to kill me and failed... (Can't say how they die ;))
0 (maybe its contagious)
my own
what if its some1 else who brought it for u? LOL @NoHate @NoSupport @Probs a Deny for...
lol in your application it says your 15 but you just said your nearly 14 some lying going on in this application No Support @No Hate
its been reported
got scammed 30 bill the scammer was yngvil
ign: LardSpandexMan p.s if you quit can I have ur mc account? (good luck for proposing)
Ik how to make the sell sign
Since people are ddosing me can you guys give me a link for vpn pls?
mods please delete this file once its been sorted
Your ingame name: LardSpandexman The offender's ingame name: _PvP4Dayz_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: ddosing theaft...
I've told you my offer ingame