i forgot my own birthday
haha i wasnt here for my own birthday thankssss
love is in the air and @OfficallyUnknown is in despair.
my bestfriend is myself. also nice pepe ception
Ah. Don't tell anyone but I'm a hoarder.
Are you a hoarder with abunch of heads you won't use?
glad we could all decide on a conclusion. /sage
>realize all points are invalid >try to think of something quickly >realize it's Herf we're talking about >go off topic >"Ha you dont deserve...
go take a look at what he's said
surely you must realize that's exactly what ol @xHollahh did
oh look someone removed th emessage on my profile showing how great a mod of @xHollahh is. hm, i wonder who!
no but i have one inside me
R.I.P MineTime.
ya dod thas so crapy :3 xDDDDDDDDD
My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate,...
woah you were banned11!1! das whakc and crazyyy!1! lollzzz!1!!!
proof or it didn't happen. also i know HUD's are hidable m8, can't fool me.
m8 the fov has nothing to do with that i see that no turn m8
im goig to epose you wit a dis trake. thn i fake a beef and manipuloot ur yt chanelye. then ill say ur a pee do file. HOW U FEL NOW!?
The same happened with me, but I used a more easier method of not falling. I fell down and landed. When I landed, I wasn't falling anymore!