Silkspawner plugin was added to the server. Can a mod please close this thread now. Btw to silk a spawner just mine it with a silktouch pick......
@Butfa @Hotnikki
Bumping for more support!!
oh nice, they finally fixed member joining thing.
D: why whenever im trying to build something nice something always happens to the server, Y_Y
Im sure all the staff is well aware of the problem by now. I also sent a few skype messages to mods that were not on.
It was not a ddos, ether the kid that was forced op did /stop or noobcrew stopped the server himself to prevent more damage.
Can we please get your imput @Noobcrew and @CypriotMerks . Also @12323emily, you should have a look too.
Just bumping again to keep active.
Anyone elce we can tag that will help get this seen more?
I think there is enough support to tag @CypriotMerks now.
Thanks for the support everyone, I really hope we can get this command added soon. Tag anyone you think can help in this also.
Bumping for more support!
We need more then just a single chest to store items, my chest is already almost full of spare ammo and guns.
Miss popular over here :/.
:P there, optimistic now.
Full support on all suggestions!!
All of this has already been taken care of a few days ago. please get a mod to close this thread.