OpPvP is more OP and KitPvP is also more OP , So KitPvP can't be OpPvP right? Its a worthless idea to reset. Dont be stupid
No support for kitpvp This is not a good thing.
No support.
Im not trying to hidden But you is telling me that I bought u premium and its not me. Cyp can get proof on that so I can't get ban for that you...
Very nice :) Support
Funny :p
@Ares_Xena @xSoulHero @larrythebird101
Your ingame name: William335a The offender's ingame name: Magnolias A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacks , kill aura...
MaxNinja do you remember when Philip320 made you profile photo. <333
Thank you ;)
Its very immature to tell so in the public-chat. prin I'm disappointed. Zambiana why do you tell about his language?
Hey max :) I think I got them to stop advertising :)
Your ingame name: William335a The offender's ingame name: Xx_SN4KE_xX A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: advertising...
Your ingame name: William335a The offender's ingame name: Nina_ZA A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: advertising...
Thanks for checking <3
Your ingame name: William335a The offender's ingame name: RijadGaming A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: advertising...
MaxNinia10 :-D Thanks for looking at my reports <3
Please thats not that I mean. I mean that if he like telling me lol William335a when I die and somethings. it could be changed and then I can...
Hes not my friend.