*sighs of relief*
Look, we can change the lightbulb. That I will tell you. We're changing it, ok? And I understand what you're saying, I hear it all the time....
I read the first one wrong cause I have a dirty mind. I got the others right though. Holy crap please tell me that spoiler doesn't have nudes.......
I don't think they should all lead to a temp ban. Such as: spamming, profanity, gravedigging(forums), and harassment. (There are more but those...
When you said "i have had 1000 bans" does that mean that you have been banned 1000 times???
I don't play very much so that's just a collection of voter xp
I swear they aren't hacks. I don't even know what breadcrumbs is
stooooooooop doubblee posttiingngngngngngng
He looks like a depressed pancake
I'm not..
Nope It's a function they added into the unhacked, vanilla game. press f3 + B