k @thorraks
Hope you get well! you have my prayers. <3
@Nanurz @Janice999 @Jhow @Pile_of_Butts @ItsSniiper @Nightfire @ParanormalPizza @TheNiceSnake @Dyna_Mighty @Alex @AthleticPsycho @BlackZone...
If he's banned, all I an think of is wait until is forums is unbanned and appeal.
No, the question is not "why". It's "why not"
So there's already a name change history on each persons forums profile (if you've change your forums name). There should be a history of profile...
I mean theres also no reason for /kittycannon but we still have it
can u come online?
I know but I'm referring to the fact that in like 2013 you could use &1 &2 &3 &4 &5 &6 &7 &8 &9 &0 &a and &b
but not on creative
but spam is against da rules this wouldn't be. they removed rainbow chat in like 2013.