Holy mate that s scary af
Miss fail to understand something? Where did you get the idea of this name?
You know where it says male next to your age @RebornWolf, want me to try and get cyp to change it to boy?
Classic tough 11 year old. ^^
meant abroad
Never tried to break a bone... also never broken a bone How old were you when you first went abrord
6 How old were you when you first played the floor is lava? ;p
meant to say change
Can you please can your profile picture I keep thinking you are someone who you are not pervert
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Same it's my favourite hobby!
Support, good application and very detailed.
rude - offensively impolite or bad-mannered. Please may you elaborate on how he was offensively impolite or bad-mannered? ;)
Round 52 The Giant 3 Downs Myself 1500 kills Bo3
100% no support
funny joke
People will just make plugins to make God apples good again. Calm your tits