I didnt mean to include one screenshot 3 times btw ALSO sorry for tiny text ill turn it up next time so it isn't such a strain on the eyes
My ign: hc5 Their ign: MR_B3N_123 Offence: Threatening to derank, saying we have no balls calling us aborted and saying homophobic comments and...
They should already know what to do lmao. Smh
No support.
Happy Birthday
leafy? also, you're 12 lmao you're probably squeakier.
might wanna change it then boi
Map name: Village Map Creators Me: Ign = A3Paper [God] @DoomClan: Ign = DoomClan [No rank] I feel like this map shout be implemented as: Good...
Fly up really high then do /gms.
more like knob
Are you a botter on coc?
I'll join ur clan for 1min as proof I'm th 10
I'm th 10
Reiterating my no support. :)
@SmileyFries how old were you again I didn't see?
What's the word