I think it is well written with a few misspellings, but with saying that no one is perfect heck I am 37 and I still misspell words. I just want to...
Wow this a well written app. I have to give you props for taking the time to write this. I know I am a new member and all, but I wanted to give a...
“Never ignore coincidence. Unless, of course, you’re busy. In which case, always ignore coincidence.” — The Doctor, Season 5, Episode 12
It is okay luv. You really don't need to beat yourself up about it. What is done is done.
This is crazy yo!
I would have to say it looks like it could be a dark pink.
It takes a bigger man to admit when they are wrong and a kind heart to actually apologize that they did wrong. So with that being said you are...
Banned for having a kitty in the pocket that is flipping off people.
Who is he?
30 I'm confused lol
ugh 28
I am going to say 24 lol
15 *crosses fingers*
Hello and welcome back luv!