Edward Ray I'VE heard a lot of positive things about you Have you Ever donated to the server if you did how much
Stop it IN1NJAI leave me alone you hurt my feelings
I think that more perks for donate-rs is a very good idea, on factions too there should be a room JUST for Gods that can give u diamonds and...
Dear Mr. Noobcrew I really don't like the cool down on kits. It should be 5-10 minutes because it is extremely annoying to have...
I'm Ge0rgeminecraft, my opinion is i'm the most friendliest god on Mineverse. I have never been banned and i ALWAYS give out kit gods, sometimes...
i don't agree because i am a God and i get special items, i think loosing armor is a Much better thing then loosing ALL of your stuff u worked...
I am 13 years old. My in-game name is Ge0rgeminecraft The timezone i am in is Eastern timezone I live in the U.S. I am a female I speak English,...