Your forums account name: JakePlayzz The offender's forums account name: 0_Inzanity A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Its on my list
Anime is life
Hello! =D
Baka Oppai :3
Is it possible for say MVP+ To have access to the /back command in the near future? Also RESET FACTIONS PLEASE!! :3
So Swedish Finish English French Japanese (which I know) and Russian @QuadraBlock
So I'm ranting on again about factions, I don't think it's even that playable anymore, I had to walk like 600-1000 blocks just to find a mine-able...
Yeah so were getting pretty mad about factions.... Its crashed 3 times in the last hour... :T I think its time Sir, Time to restart it
So is anything actually going to happen?
110% support
I accidentally pressed enter
Ive been playing this server for a while and not to be rude but factions needs to be reset or something along those lines, When i say reset i mean...
Your forums account name: JakePlayzz The offender's forums account name: Luuk502 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using...
Im on a roll today, 3rd person. In the video their is a spelling error, Its ment to say him not hom
Your forums account name: JakePlayzz The offender's forums account name: Whataguyz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He...
I also have a video of them being racist towards __J0k3R__
1. In game name: JakePlayzz 2. Type of Report: Person using Hacks/Mods 3. What happened: They were using Hacks/Mods to let them walk on water? 4....
Uh I don't know what to say, Hello I'm Jacob, I would say in new to the server but I'm not, I'm new to the forum page but I'm at least a 1 1/2...
Updated it.