@CypriotMerks Everyone's supporting man
You don't know me :D
Yus active member
XD This is funny
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: JakePlayzz The offender's exact ingame name:...
So is the hole going to get fixed....
Ayy 100 messages c:
Nothing good on me luckily
There's a hole as soon as you warp to mine I and i fell though it ;-;. I didn't know where to post this I'm posting it here because it will get...
I also looked on the Wikipedia of minecraft cobwebs to see if their were anyways of getting them like using sheers or something but nope. Lol
Hello Madi
When you go to school but there's no classes on ;-;
Thank you and I will keep that in mind for next time I am in game. More reports in coming!
Thank you. I feel that people are being too critical on small grammar mistakes and such. Being active on other game modes and such is fare enough...
Thankyou for the feedback
Agree, That airbender was a bit chubby as they were monks who don't eat much.. And the tattoos in the cartoon are solid!
Crazy... Thought mineverse was older
So I found a raid and it looked promising and i was going to make a sand stacker canon but for that you need cobwebs so I was like 'Hmm this is...
Thank you.
When you say work on it. Do you mean add more or work on grammar mistakes? Thank you for the reply anyway I'm sure to play on more servers in the...