@GizzBots, im not gonna say anything rude, but like I said when we downgraded you, you called me a sqeuker, in Skype calls, to the point of...
Can we play sometime ;3
Ign:bluediamond89 Game mode banned on:kitpvp Link to accepted...
@larrythebird101 @Lola Perez Just recorded him ddosing me again? want me to upload?
So, everything that I said in these screenies are me defending my self, number 1, I was fighting xoxotoxicgirl, she calls me a newb and says I...
@Ducky Getting on now kk
@Ducky This is for you man. What is your in-game name:bluediam,ond89 How old are you:13 Do you have skype? If so PM me it:zayd.matthews What...
??? What do you mean
@EddyCottonsocks plewse pick meh :3
@DjRyan lemme think ok :P I could?? ill keep thinking about that man ill do it soon if I can
@kingkilla619 you better not scam either.
@kingkilla619 ok I will have to rank you up to supreme tomoz because my paypal is empty and I really need money? deal? ign:26862 :payment elite to...
@kingkilla619 ok.. my ign:bluediamond89 the one im storeing everything on and getting on :ign 26862
@kingkilla619 because if its supreme ill go the kitpvp deal.
@kingkilla619 so what rank did you want to be upgraded to?
I could do it now but Im banned from kitpvp.
ddos threats and a vid of him hacking later