@mineterria the aussie has the same mouse as me :D @MaxNinja10 Has the same too.
@Confused meet me ingame I wanna talk to you. kitpvp
@Zulfqar mhmmm.... nice. I want a Logitech g9x
Not my pic. Ill put pics I have a razer taipan And a razer blackwidow chroma 2014. not my pics I also have a razer golithus speed and a razer...
Pileeee Can we play.. :3
So I Was on my friends account offender:jayjayrox reason:calling me a dumb which offends me.
IGN:bluediamond89 :) Worth a shot.
@MrPronounce(Kyle) you are so wrong in many ways. 1. Skype isn't the only way of getting ip's if you want me to prove that I can and 2. please...
No Support Why? So Rude, " You say im bad I hope your leaving. calling people reatard's no support never deserve this spot.
Im Aussie,British,And Scotish.
@gloriouschico101 is my irl gf but she plays on the server but doesn't have a fourms account.
Ironic Aye? I Havent Left. just to clear this up if you didn't know of why I left... 1. Everyone that we all knew. that where the best players....
@Marloodog 1. IF YOU HAVE NOTHING NICE TO SAY. Not to be an but marloodog, your speaking off topic.
@808Aidan Hmmm.... do you know there. Skype.
@808Aidan hmmm... the only ways there have found your ip is through Cain An Abel. Or Through A Resolver. Or Info DOX.
@808Aidan Do You Know there ip's? don't quit buddy. ill be able to keep them of for atleast 24 hour's a day.
God Apple. P4 U3 SET And A Saddle Like A Saddle Wtf?!?!
Ok for everyone i wont be here. i will be gone by tommorow. if you wanna catch me in a game. msg me. @GizzBots I Always knew you had a nice person...
I Didn't Say you hated me. everyone hated me. im not gonna pick out everyone that liked me. but I know who you are @Topmass22 :)
So As We ALL Know. Bluediamond89. that is me. we all know it I have to get this out ill be gone for months and months. this change will happen...