@Marloodog well if it was outside of fourms and moderators could do somthing about skype im sure you will be perm banned right now. the threats...
is there a block thing? like facebook. because all this person does is harris me and threatin to ddos me and d0x my infomation?? anyone is there a...
@Marloodog it isnt a flame war. 1. your stalking me i would like you to stop posting on every thread i look at your going on to my profile and...
@Marloodog please stop **DO NOT CUSS ON FORUMS** following me on my threads and everytime i post on somthing you jump in? and open broadcasters it...
look at the end for the video please read this after or before if you would like too. So as we all know from the video. this little skrub decided...
@GizzBots buy action for 30$ and tell me if its worth it. its a game recorder its better then fraps because it doesnt make you lag. and its way...
nope action is better. fraps is now only recommend for fps its just so bad and action is a all around better program
fraps is bad.
Msg me for the link
@Freckle50 Fraps is terrible. hoesntly ive used it for months now and it sucks the file size is too big and too long to render action is the...
Action... not to be a little bit of a skrub. but because we dont like each other here. action is good look it up on how to get it for free. the...
Nice detail but too young. you have a chance bud. support.
me you skruby little boi aussie m8
1. Kid... keep trying to photoshop recipt's your not gonna get anywhere. 2. this is so fake there is no proof you upgraded from premium to titan...
Yea even topmass could drop the base on you and rekt you. I could if you stoped being a *Warned For Language* and get in lobby 1 kohi,
OH REALLY??? *Warning Points For Advertising* 1V1 ME.
NO SUPPORT JUST NO, 1. YOU STILL HACK 2. YOUR REALLY ANNOYING AND ALWAYS LIE. 2. Your a really bad person. Just no kid, no.
no support hits off kids that are innocence and has also attempted to D0x me which I was recording at that time...