Tube tube tube tube - Vampiric
My IGN: NZA Offender: CIASnipez Offense: Player disrespect
I've never really seen any people around 12 years of age take anything seriously so I'm going to have to say no support for now.
My IGN: NZA Offender: Girl305 Offense: DDoS Threats Evidence:
As far as I'm concerned, the global mod system being added back is a terrible system.
I'd rather just apply for the one server, hopefully that can be acceptable, I've been told it is.
First off I'd like to start off with a little intro, my name is Hunter, but I'm mostly known to be Vampiric or NZA, I started playing Mineverse a...
And it does, on one of the other 13 servers on the network.
Nobody should get /jump at all? It's literally a gamemode where you fight with bows, you have enderpearls and fight from long distance, why do you...
It's still a "reward" for people who want a new trophy.
Why would you reward someone for being banned?
Welcorne to the forums. yes, wel-cor-n-e
Back when TroyCarZ was still a mod.
When there were 200 people on infection.
I know but what I'm saying is currently I assume if someone were to have the most of a positive/negative rating they would at least be somewhere...
I mean you can just go to the members tab and check out the top positive ratings, if(and I assume it is) that's what you're getting at.
I get where people are coming from in the terms of staff getting generally disrespected, although I've never moderated here I've moderated a few...
I'm not disrespecting moderators? Nor am I making excuses for the way I've acted towards them in the past, I'm just saying for some players it's a...
I'm not really sure why you're being hostile towards me, I'm not saying player disrespect or staff disrespect in any way is okay, I'm simply...