Not in support of this at all, yeah it gets annoying but most of the time it's people who don't know any better or ones who are just joking...
As requested I've changed my application to one for global moderator, at least(if ever) until I'm able to apply for a less amount of servers.
Full absolute support
My view on it was just that it was rather pointless to make people apply for every server if the people had no intention of going on said servers.
I suppose, I just don't see why applying for less servers can't be an option alongside applying for global moderator.
Now you have even more in common with 'Krill
Let's be honest people will always be talking about people hacking in chat, seeing a moderator online won't really change them wanting to hack as...
There was no reason to change it back to being global, so I don't see why this would be a problem. Forcing people to become global staff for 12+...
I do agree global staff are a help, but I disagree when you ask why people bother applying if they don't have time to moderate 12 servers. Some...
The only reason camping spots are a problem is because people keep making maps where there's little to no way of exterminating campers in said...
This Also to add my two cents, Titan rank was originally made to be a rank extension for people who still wanted another rank for donating more...
I mean you don't have a mother either :I alchemy is a pain
My point is, if there were to be more applications accepted for people who were not able to/couldn't moderate globally there would be more staff...
Nobody can be at 2 places at once, let alone 12.
Honestly I don't know why global moderators were added back? As far as I can tell nobody would benefit from being a global moderator, more stress,...
I'm currently having no problem connecting, is it giving you a ban message or any sort of error in chat?
Hey man, how ya been?
I'm just giving a reason for me putting it in this subforum, so that a moderator doesn't have to waste their time.