I don't know why you're still applying, you've had your application open for around 1 and a half years and you're probably more qualified than at...
Hypixel has 50k players and there's an endless abundance of hackers on there, I wouldn't say hackers make that big of an impact if the server is...
I'm neutral, you're pretty active in game, not so much on the forums, but I'm sure you could work on that. Most of the time when I see you it's...
Sounds like you're treating hackers like the black plague to be honest, you don't really address anything besides hackers and I haven't seen you...
Why does everyone want more and more trophies, there isn't even much point to these anymore.
Hope you're enjoying the server so far, I'm sure you'll love the community here, welcome. :)
Why do people care when people get banned now or not?
Mineplex rips off every single idea "they" have from other servers, renames and makes thousands in profit. Who's really cheating here?
Why do you want to join? I just need decent people to have fun on OP with and to pvp with/1v1 among the clan every so often. What will you bring...
I'm fairly certain you just go here. http://prntscr.com/9q07a7 There, to the right, you'll see the top voters list of the month, which resets...
Aye Krill, sorry about things I've said to you in the past and arguments we've had.
Any chance that it has the video feature, as Plug.dj did?
Not true at all. I'm glad you decided to reconsider and edit your application later also, Jake, I'm sure you'd be a lot better off when you're...
I wasn't here for it but aye forgiven, I've done much worse in some parts of my past. I don't think anyone can disagree you deserve another chance.
In my opinion you bump your application and reply to people way too much, I also don't really ever see you in game, so maybe work on in-game activity?
Neutral On one side, sure it would be great for players who maybe can't afford a rank where they would have enough player vaults for it, but...