NO NO NO NO heaps do
let noobcrew or cyp deside
Not exactly mpg if they get banned then unbanned like there only banned for 2 hours. They would just hack again and think ohh who cares ill just...
I disagree the rank cost $250 if they get rid of it it shouldn't cost that much the rank needs to be pretty op.
I DISAGREE with mpg and agree with conor they NEED to at least learn there lesson.
better be
Support again support support support SUPPPPOORTT! (ik I went a bit over board)
Support looks good :) !
You need proof
wow this did work I would normally say something like gee you hack then theyd say no I don't id say yes you do theyd say your just bad and on and...
mpg this would actually help people and your mod why would you be saying negative stuff to ANOTHER moderator??
Please fill out this template. Ingame name: Age: Contact details (Skype,Email,kik): Rank Applying for: Why do you wanna be Admin/Officer: What can...
Im sorry please fill out this template and one of the staff will be back to you. Ingame name: Age: Ingame Rank: Skype: Rate your pvp experience...
Ok this is the link: It is not finished yet but you can check it out and see how Im going.
I am currently creating a website for our clan I will post the link as soon as im finished.
I agree a lot of people use xray to find bases but you do need to use the template and know who it was. Ik what xray tunnels look like aswell.
Support bro! :)
I agree
Support sounds like youll do a great job..
Ok so for kitpvp the kit titan could include something like- Full Dia Armor protection III unbreaking II or something and the sword- Sharpness V...