Thanks :)
Funny AS **** I cant stop laughing
Sure why not whats your clan called?
Make sure to join our clan server whenever you can all members get a special rank on it Owners/mods/officer and stuff get a staff rank. It is not...
Clan Name: Team-NoobKillers Why do you want to Truce? I don't wanna fight you your a nice guy Do you know anyone in this Clan? Yeah ive seen YOU...
Guys if you are added to the group call it means your accepted!
Accepted and whats your Ingame name I don't wanna be killing you.
You have applied for Officer not to join the clan. But either way I accept you for both Welcome!
wow I didn't know that
Cypriot im getting online now
thanks mineterria there see I was vip
I was V.I.P and bought commander by mistake can I have my $500 back and v.i.p (Cypriot Noobcrew)
Players Kicked: BLACK_ROCK_BOY CreeperZ blake4472 gokufarts JamisMegatron MiningCreeper454 The_Exiile Silverdeath1223 Shadow_Knight...
Broadcast: There has been a massive change in our clan. This is so everything is more neat and set out better. Also I am always busy so I don't...
In game name : BrendanPvP Age : 12 Rank (if any) : V.I.P- getting god soon Skype : XBrendanPvPX How long have you played on Mineverse : about 1...
We cant advertise here ill send you an inbox
Edited don't read this message