With all the post people say "get more active". I'm twice as active then i would be on MP (I'm was staff on it as well). This also counts as...
it's kinda like, why am i sitting back doing nothing besides building and not help moderate the server.
Can i ever like your posts x1000?
" Vareide. dam they are good builders.
HELP ME THEN. i really don't know what to add besides my honesty and trust. haha. Thanks thou <3 (i will like it anyway)
I just resigned from mineplex/imperial and such. Reason behind it which i'm NOT allowed to tell.
Also, this app is directly to archerpvp.
Part of my inactivity is helping the server with build so, i would count that as my activity/helping.
maybe since different time zones.
Umm, when did i register on forums??? xD
How old are you? - 16. Your in-game name: Pandarr What timezone are you in?: Standard Time (AEST) which is UTC/GMT+10, Australian Central What...
If something that people would like, PM me and i can talk to crypriotmerks about it.
Enjoy the map guys. If the map needs to be fixed or something is missing, please msg me and i can fix it if needs be.
Brah, that sig. I hang out with cry everyday <3
I've honestly got build commissions to do. Kinda busy atm. *cough* clue *cough*
yeah, done by me. but, no centre point.
#Noobcrew is amazing to talk to. xD
I'm on the list :D