I've only got 1 eye with a big grin smile on my face. ;)
haha. I don't play other servers. They don't interest me for some reason. I would apply for servers that you get a enjoy out of. Not for something...
Ohh, i applied for skywars and archerpvp just because i play those the most out of everything. +1
No support. jk :p. Support. - App was detailed - Mature - Trustworthy & so on. you'll do good as a mod to have that high standard mark for a high...
Player: Can we play a game on the server. Tigr:No, go outside and throw a ball or something. -Pan. Top comment of the week.
Support. I do want to see peoples builds. *wink*You'll might get a message for recommendation by me*wink*
Ha, bring the game on boyz & girlz. Prepare to get smashed by the staff team.
I'm in your dreams when you sleep at night.
Yes. Builder can also take in consideration of helping staff out if needs be.
I don't want to carry this on & on but, that's what i'm saying. I'm sure most of the mods & u, ignore stupid questions and such that don't need to...
lol. kinda funny since i don't play sky block xD. also, if i got questions by people, i would be busy doing something important. This is my life...
That map was done by my friend Rythen. If you see him. Please do say thanks. More infection maps coming out soon.
Ducky. Love the name doe.
Fixed my changes. grammar should be correctly fixed and punctuation.
That infection map. That was done by me & 3yerrt.
I will work on one RIGHT NOW. what theme do you think is right?.
You are the type of person i want to see more often on mv. thanks thou ;)
Gonna play some LOL. add me if you want: AyvinaFF
lol. u have the wrong person sorry. The trolling was the old builder. don't know where you got that from thou?. xD. that's cute thou.