Racoon keeps spamming arrows, and killing chickens I can not get proof of the chickens but here are some screenshots of the arrows
LeBrand keeps spamming on skyblock to buy ranks :(
yin do I need to ask a higher up or can you help me with my rank on opprison?
Happy Birthday dude!
Can you fix the Challenges on skyblock such as expert/novice builder, and explorer (you cant check island levels, and you cant go to the nether)
CypriotMerks can you fix the Challenges on Skyblock please, NoviceBuilder, expertbuilder, and explorer are all impossible to do...
hey Admins please help skyblock players fix the challenge problems some of them are impossible!
cancucks can you try to fix the Challenges such as novicebuilder, expertbuilder, and explorer on skyblock they are impossible to do
is mine verse down?
thanks for the confidence fadedchristi
Blaze and his friend, (I could not find his friend again), were arrow hacking on KitPvp and lots of people complained and I felt bad, moderators...
the person who tagged me
If this is not enough evidence don't bother responding just close the thread
can you fix the challenges on sky block like Explorer (you can't go to the nether) and Novice Builder (you can't even check you're Island lvl)
Im back
you deserve it I'm 15 and I don't think I could handle it
You must be very mature and smart to be a 12 year old moderator Good luck and I respect you for working hard enough to become moderator at such a...
Idk when I will be back on my computer is broken I can update my self on info from my iPod though
Snusand on sky block set a deathward killing a lot of people and taking their stuff I have evidence of him advertising the warp and the warp its...