here firo
since you are here though I can re-report this man BradG14 scammed me God rank at his shop I bought out the diamond shop. The Picture I posted for...
Taylor I need to be able to post pictures Im sorry for the inconvenience.
I went looking through my trashcan and found this picture, is this enough evidence for the last thread?
For this contest you did not need to Buy every diamond you just needed to get the last one so it was out of stock
Fryzigg I feel I annoy all of you so I am deleting my Account on this, or signing of forever. this is my last report BradG14 scammed me a rank...
If you do not believe me I do not have anymore evidence but in the 3rd picture he has 3 arrows fired at once, also I don't think Clear lag is...
for further video needed proof can you advertise me a website I can post videos on?
Ok damianfisher does not care please close this thread
here are some pictures
Ok since you didn't trust me on that I also have got evidence of him scamming me, I know admitting isn't always enough evidence, and I don't have...
I can get more in a minute because I am friends with the owner and I can re-photo the warp, does it matter that it is fogged? or can I just get a...
Alexoman123 also hacked here is some evidence of that
JarneMisionX1 and xsoulgoonx both are arrow hacking teammates.
the signs on the first Picture was his 2nd shop called SupaBuy!
Please make an arena/battle palace where you can not get you're OP kit like God so that the lower ranks have a place to pvp
here is the msg of me going into the warp
BradG14 Got desperate after I sold lots of items to him and made him go down money so he created a deathwarp here are some images of the warp,...
Minecraft7Player killed over 20 chickens at /warp iced, and killed some cows but I couldn't get the cows on a picture
the dirt area he was firing at was the chicken coup.